

At Elson Infant School, our aim for Maths is for children to be creative and inspired problem solvers. We aim to do this through rich task designs that allow for a variety of problems within. In Year 2, linked to our ‘Fabulous Fairy-tales’ topic, we used the stimuli of the Billy Goats to create a plethora of problems to do with place value and addition and subtraction. The children were very engaged and were taught to persevere with their justifications and show their answers in a variety of ways.


We see value in following the concrete, pictorial, abstract (CPA) approach to learning new skills as this helps to build and support children’s understanding of numbers and how to work with different operations. They are able to physically manipulate resources and represent calculations with concrete objects. Once they have an idea of this, they move to pictorial representations, followed by recording the abstract number sentences.

In the EYFS it is important that children gain an understanding of cardinal numbers and that they are able to identify number from different representations. In Year R, the children use number blocks to help them learn about the numbers and what they represent. Here is an example of some representations of number 1 that the children have created.

Subject Highlights

Maths Workshop Dec 2024

We had a visit from Professor Poopenshtinken who visited us to launch our new maths club.


NSPCC Number Day Feb 2024

The children across the school loved engaging in a range of number related activities on number day. A particular highlight for year 2 was taking their learning outside to make comparisons with shape and number and apply their knowledge of the < > symbols. Thank you to parents and carers for your support with number related costumes.


Maths Workshop Jan 2024

Thank you to all the parents who attended our Year R Maths workshop last week. Our children love maths and enjoyed sharing their learning with you.



New Magical Maths Club Jan 2024

We have introduced a new club where the children learn about maths and numbers through magic and fun activities.  This has proved to be very popular and the club is at full capacity for the first term.


Professor Poopenshtinken entertaining the children.

Maths Games Night Nov 2023

We welcomed the Hampshire Maths Multiply team to our school. We had many families attend and everyone had a great time enjoying maths games. The children also loved the hot chocolate and cookies.