At Elson Infant school we believe that PDL is the foundation that underpins ALL other learning. We want the children to feel nurtured, safe and happy in their learning environment to enable them to be ready and able to learn. Through our use of learning Superpowers, the children are immersed in the language and everyday practice of Respect, Independence, Tolerance, Team work, Resilience and importantly Wellbeing.

Our aim whilst they are in our care, is for our children to gain the life-long skills to become well rounded citizens who make a positive contribution to their community. We strive to equip our pupils with the knowledge, understanding, skills and strategies required to live a happy, healthy, safe, productive, capable, responsible and balanced life.

During their time at Elson we wish to increase children’s understanding of themselves, understand and empathise with others, to overcome ignorance, avoid exploitation and promote their overall SMSC development.  It is also to give every child a voice and to know that they are valued and liked.

We teach our PSHE/ PDL curriculum through a scheme called ‘Jigsaw’. This is a spiral scheme, which comprises of 6 key teaching strands taught in all three year groups at the same time. These strands intentionally repeat annually to revisit, consolidate and build upon key objectives. The whole school works on the same strand or puzzle piece at the same time, starting off with a whole school assembly. The scheme is designed to incorporate all of the statutory requirements for PSHE according to the latest 2021 National Curriculum, PSHE Association, British Values, RSE and safety.

Please see our:      Jigsaw curriculum overview

Along with:

    Year R Jigsaw Overview  (JENIE)          Year 1 Jigsaw Overview  (JACK)     Year 2 Jigsaw Overview  (JO)

Social Moral Spiritual Cultural (SMSC) Opportunities

SMSC opportunities at Elson Infant School

Subject Highlights

Odd Socks! – Antibullying Week

This week we have been supporting Anti Bullying week. We have learnt about what this means, how to seek help and who you can talk too. Today we joined the nation in wearing odd socks in support of this important message “Bullying is not welcome here!”


Walk To School Week May 2024

Basil is the mascot for ‘My Journey’ who promote healthy and safe journeys to and from Hampshire Schools. As it is walk to school week, come and say hello to Basil and give him a high-5 if you have walked as part of your journey.



Dress To Express Day Feb 2024

Today marks the start of Children’s Mental Health Week. Today Mrs Woollett and Mrs Parkinson launched the week with an assembly about this topic. The children have today been invited to ‘Dress to EXPRESS’ as throughout the week we celebrate our uniqueness, learn the importance of looking after our mental health and try strategies to help us relax and be mindful.


Anti Bullying Week & Odd Socks Day Nov 2023


For anti bullying week Mrs Parkinson prepared an assembly to support the children to understand what bullying means to us, how something small can turn into something hurtful and what we can do to stop bullying. The children discussed this topic all week and took part in further activities in their classroom.

Odd Socks Day is part of Anti-Bullying Week.  Odd Socks Day sends an important message to pupils that they should be allowed to be themselves free from bullying, and helps us to celebrate Anti-Bullying Week in a fun and positive way. We loved seeing the children wearing colourful odd socks!


Memory Garden  Nov 2023

We have been excited to recently open our memory garden space in our Ark Garden. We enjoyed bringing our memory pebbles together in their new space. The children also enjoyed helping to plant the memory tree in the summer term. Special thanks to Gardening club and Service club children for their input – the space looks beautiful!


World Mental Health Day Oct 2023

We launched this with a special assembly to remind the children of all the things we do in school to look after our mental health.