Family Support
Hello Parents and Carers
I am Mrs Mew and I am the Home School Link Worker (HSLW)
Mrs Mew
Our school is committed to supporting you and your children. If you would like any guidance, support or would just like to talk something through, please contact me on 02392 581208 or email [email protected]
I would love to hear about what your family is doing, any ideas or activities that have gone well or not so well, any amusing moments or triumphs.
Please take a look at the areas I am responsible for:
Tea and Talk: I also run regular Tea & Talk sessions. Please do come along to meet with us to discuss any concerns you might have (or just to have a chat and a cup of tea!) We have the School Nursing Team and/or the Mental Health support team in attendance at each session and they can help with a range of concerns such as sleep, diet, toileting, behaviour. We can help to direct you to appropriate support and offer advice, strategies and support. Toddlers are welcome to the session and toys, refreshments are provided.
Please come along and join us, each month, all are welcome. The dates are on the website calendar and also put in the weekly newsletter.
Service Club: I also run the Service Club and the children from Service families get together on selected Thursday’s after school for fun activities, and have the chance to share their experiences and feelings of having a parent in the military.
Pets As Therapy: One of my other support roles is to lead the Pets As Therapy sessions. This is a scheme where dogs are used to help children with their feelings and show them how to manage their anxieties. We currently have 3 Poodles of various sizes that join us every week with their amazing owner. Children are nominated to meet the dogs by either the teacher and/or parent. If you feel your child would benefit on a weekly meeting then please contact us. More information about Pets As Therapy
Supporting Children with Parents that have offended: I am also responsible for making a difference to children and their families where a key attachment figure has offended. I have undertaken the Hidden Sentences training with Barnado’s. Part of my role is to help understand the impact of imprisonment on the families of prisoners, provide support, signpost to relevant services and provide information.
Support for Parents & Carers
EIS Parent and carer workshop and drop ins Summer Term 2024
Useful Information for Parents
The Primary Behaviour Service (PBS)
The Family Hotline is a service that allows you to speak to a Behaviour Specialist about problems you are having with challenging behaviour from your children at home.
Call them on 07584 310963 between 10am and 11 am every Wednesday during term time and speak to one of the team for great advice and ideas.
Free Home Safety Visit
Did you know Hampshire Fire and Rescue Service offers a free home safety visit for vulnerable members of the community? They will provide advice on how to reduce the risk of a fire at your home, and you may even be eligible for a free smoke alarm. To find out if you qualify for a free visit, contact the community safety team on 023 8062 6809.