
At Elson Infant School, our aim for PE is to provide a rich and varied curriculum where there are opportunities to try a range of sports. Throughout their time at Elson every child will have the chance to participate in a range of sports and activities such as gymnastics, football, tennis, and dance as well as learn about their body and how it works and changes as it exercises.

We are proud that in addition to our regular PE sessions we also invest in PE coaches and specialists to enhance our provision.

CM Sports join weekly to offer alternative Sport opportunities to enrich our Curriculum and offer wider experiences.  So far, the Year 2 children have loved developing their Archery skills and have begun their curling lessons, they look forward to street dance in the new term.  The CM Sports coaches also run a weekly lunch club for some of our Pupil Premium children.


PH Sports We also have a weekly session from a PH Sport coach to develop the teaching skills and confidence of our staff.

Elson aims for all children to reach the recommended 60 minutes of moderate to vigorous physical activity each day (moderate intensity activities will raise your heart rate, and make you breathe faster and feel warmer), and reduce the time spent sedentary by breaking up long periods of not moving with some activity. We do this through movement breaks as a class using Just Dance, Go Noodle and other videos and games in the classroom as well as providing equipment outside on the playground for children to use and explore.

Daily Run

We have just started a 5-minute daily run for staff and children as we are on our way to being a fit and healthy school. We encourage our families to increase their exercise by travelling to and from school on foot, bike or scooter. Additionally, we use Storm breaks which provide children movement breaks alongside information and strategies about supporting their emotions, mental health and wellbeing.  (see our Subject Highlights below)

We provide the opportunity to compete both in school and against other local schools and ensure there are opportunities for all children to watch sporting events and meet athletes. Previously, we have supported England, along with many other countries, in the Men’s Football World Cup and all children were able to watch the first England match live in their classrooms.

We have also had local athletes in school to meet and talk to the children about their sport and answer the children’s questions.

Subject Highlights

January 2025   This week the children have been set a respect challenge to look after our new playground equipment. Thank you to Elson Infants Fundraising Friends – PTFA for purchasing our new nets and basketball hoop! The children have really enjoyed using the new equipment!


New Exercise Routine Nov 2023

We launched our new daily exercise for children and adults. Each day, we take 5 minutes of our day to run or walk in order to support our physical and mental wellbeing.


Scooter Park Sep 2023

We are delighted to now have a designated space for scooters to be parked. The space will be closed off during the day but will be open at the beginning and end of the school day