Elson Mini Governors – Pupil Voice

At Elson Infant School listening to pupil’s opinions about their school is very important to us. Mrs Parkinson holds meetings twice in every half term with our ‘Elson mini Governors’, which are always discussed with their classes too, to allow feedback and responses from all the children. Mini Governors are changed twice a year.

At these meetings we talk about matters that are of concern and interest to them, and, is a time to celebrate things they love about school too! Some topics are brought to the Mini Governors from the staff and Senior Leadership team too to discuss and get their feedback as they are the experts of their school!

Children can bring any matter to the mini governors to be discussed and as a result of these conversations the school, they can see changes happening immediately from ideas that have come from them. Examples of this from last year are:

  • Tasting and feedback on the school lunch menu
  • Development of the Ark Garden
  • Adapting the behaviour policy

and many more!

Our Mini-Governors



Mini Governor Actions – January 2024

During a recent mini governor meeting, the children expressed how they felt the toilets needed a bit of cheering up. On behalf of their friends, they shared things that they like and enjoy and so we purchased some new stickers to brighten up the spaces. The children chose dancers, dinosaurs, and animal stickers and we think they look better already. The children have been really pleased.

Mini Governor Minutes from Meetings

18 Jun 2024

05 Mar 2024

16 Jan 2024

11 Dec 2023

26 Sep 2023