
At Elson Infant School the curriculum is designed around our belief that each child is individual and should be empowered to be an inspired, respectful, confident, resilient, independent, self-motivated, life-long learner. It is our intention that opportunities are endless for each pupil particularly ensuring any barriers to success are overcome for any disadvantaged or vulnerable pupil. The curriculum is purposeful and meaningful for the children in our school at this time, rooted in the belief that our curriculum will enable all learners to ‘shine’.

Click HERE to learn more about our curriculum.
Curriculum Journeys
Every half term, each year group summarises their key learning to share with parents. You will see that the children are developing skills and knowledge across a range of subject areas which all link in to the intent of the journey. Our learning journeys also facilitate opportunities to further develop our learning values and behaviours. By sharing our learning, parents can be knowledgeable about their child’s development across a range of subject areas whilst supporting learning at home and deepening understanding.
Please find below our curriculum journeys.

Year 2023 – 2024

Summer 2       Year R          Year 1          Year 2

Summer 1        Year R         Year 1          Year 2

Spring 2           Year R          Year 1          Year 2

Spring 1            Year R          Year 1          Year 2

Autumn 2         Year R          Year 1          Year 2

Autumn 1          Year R          Year 1          Year 2

Year 2022 – 2023

At Elson Infant School we promote respectful behaviours and the key skills of being a highly effective learner through four superhero characters. We use the superheroes to celebrate effort and encourage the best possible behaviours and attitudes for outstanding learning. The superheroes have special powers…

Respectful Rubin

Feelings Felix

Can Do Connie

Team Work Tia